SCC’s Educare is a dynamic program, open to all learners, before and after classes end each day. Educare supports learners and their families with supervised play activities that flex from physical and quiet play to creative enrichment and study skills. Consistent communication between Educare staff, parents, and educators creates a strong sense of community for all learners and families.
Some families will qualify for financial aid through the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program based on their income. Please reach out to Desi Smith for more information.
A Typical Day
7:15 AM
Educare opens for morning care. Flexible drop-off is offered until school supervised blacktop opens at 7:50 AM.
12:00 PM
Kindergarteners are dismissed from school and the Kinder Time program begins. Kinder Time includes lunch time, recess, quiet time, read aloud, group activities and free choice.
2:30 PM
1st Graders are dismissed from school. Kinder Time-only learners are picked up, while the remaining kindergarteners join the 1st Graders for snack time.
2:50 PM
2nd-8th Graders are dismissed from school. New arrivals eat snack, followed by a blacktop recess for all learners. Enrichments begin for those enrolled.
2:50-4:20 PM
After everyone is present and accounted for and Enrichments are underway, we break out into smaller groups based upon activity choice. The choices offered are very learner-driven to ensure enjoyment and engagement.
4:20 PM
Homework and reading time begins. Older learners have access to Chromebooks to do school work or other Educator-approved activities. Younger learners enjoy solo or buddy reading time, plus fun math and literacy activities.
5:00 PM
Free choice and second snack time.
6:20 PM
Educare closes for the day.