Board of Directors
Current Board Members
Meetings of the Board of Directors
2024-25 Approved Meeting Minutes
About the Board of Directors
In March 2011, SCC began operating as an independent corporation (formed under the laws of the State of California, California Corporations Code §§ 5110 – 6910) and is governed by its articles of incorporation, the corporation bylaws, and the SCC Charter. The purpose of this corporation is to manage, operate, guide, direct, and promote SCC.
The SCC Board of Directors is made up of parents, staff, and community members. The Board of Directors is responsible for certain operations as listed in the SCC Charter, including:
developing and approving the school budget
approving the school calendar
establishing and updating school policies and procedures
overseeing the Executive Director
SCC’s bylaws detail its election procedures, board responsibilities, and conflict of interest policy. Since the SCC Board is the governing body for a public school (a “local legislative body”), it follows the Brown Act, which is a law detailing requirements that are meant to keep public decision making out in the open.
The Board holds regular meetings throughout the year, usually on the second Wednesday of each month. Regular meetings generally begin at 7:30 p.m. and take place on the SCC campus, except as provided for in AB 361 in response to the Coronavirus Pandemic, in which case meetings are held via Zoom. Special Meetings and Emergency Meeting may also be held as needed. Board meetings are “meetings in public” not “meetings of the public.” These are working sessions where the Board conducts the business of the school.
There are specific agenda sections for community comments in which community members may address the Board on any subject matter.
By law the Board can only address what is listed as an agenda item, so Board members cannot respond to comments made during this community comment period, with the exception of asking for clarifying details.
Members of the community are encouraged to communicate directly with Board members. However, the Board may only take action when an item is on an agenda and action is taken with a quorum present. No Board member may act or represent the Board individually to others in the community, unless the Board has delegated authority to that individual for that specified or limited purpose.
The Board encourages community members to send specific concerns to one or two Board members rather than the entire Board. Board members may not copy a quorum of other Board members when responding to a message (and even copying fewer than a quorum could lead to a Board member unintentionally violating the “serial meeting” provisions in the Brown Act).
The Board makes most decisions by majority vote, although minor decisions may be made by informal consensus. The Board does not follow Roberts Rules of Order; significant votes will be in response to a motion that has been stated by one member, seconded by another member, and discussed and voted on by the members participating in the meeting.