A Healthy & Happy New Year

Many of us may have had high hopes for the new year - resolutions, plans, a new outlook. Yet here we are finding ourselves in the midst of another COVID-19 infection surge. How do we handle the disappointment and anxiety the Omicron surge brings?

It’s ok to be disappointed. I know we are disappointed to feel like we are taking steps backward. Acknowledging our feelings and helping our learners to do so are important. Please see this article from Child Mind Institute for strategies on how to help your child deal with disappointment.

Together we are stronger. Together we will focus on practicing all the tools we have to keep school open and running smoothly: testing, staying home when feeling symptoms, wearing a high-quality mask, and sometimes making tough choices to avoid activities with exposure to crowds or to others in unmasked settings. Together, we will get through this surge the best we can. We are #CharterStrong!


Be First In Love


Grateful for Seminars